Friday 22 February 2013


I heave recently been thinking about some of the activities I've been involved in, hell some I even organised. I have been to demos arranged weeks or even months in advance, with hundreds of participants in attendance, and the flags of our nation flying proudly in a sea of red white and blue. But the more I think of it, the more I believe that the hastily organised flash demos with only a handful of hardcore White Nationalists, were so much more fun. I remember a good friend and comrade phoning me one Thursday afternoon. There was to be a march through Redhill in Surrey, by Muslims celebrating the birthday of Mohamed. On Easter Sunday of all days!

We put word out that we were going to hold a peaceful protest, and asked for others to attend. Unfortunately this being a bank holiday and such short notice, there was but a handful of us. But we had plenty of banners, and a nice big flag, which was tied to the barrier the police had insisted we stood behind. 

Pretty soon, led by the local imam and his good mate George Galloway, about five hundred Muslims marched past us on the other side of the road. The police told us that as there were only two of them and we were so terribly outnumbered, they couldn't "guarantee" our safety. Like they ever could huh?

Later I was interviewed by the local paper, the reporter promising not to slag us off if I put our side forward, which I did. Low and behold we actually got a good write up in the 'Local Rag'. The only thing I wasn't totally happy with was that he called us " The far right".

The point I'm trying to make, is that it doesn't matter how many people turn up, or how many of the snooty types scoff at our lack of numbers. Standing out in the rain on a Sunday afternoon, being sworn at and threatened by five thousand Muslims and their assortment of unwashed white friends, made an impact, and that is all we needed to do that day, it is all any of us ever need to do.

There was never going to be a lot of us in Redhill that day, for many reasons, and only one chap braved it from London.  But the fact we were there, they could see our banners and flags, and they could see that we had our heads held high. Of course members of other groups, along with various red organisations scoffed at our efforts, but I wouldn't change a thing. That was real reactive activism, I'd do it every week if I could.

Monday 4 February 2013

Tragic history!

In the vortex of time on earth.
Evolved in the image of gods.
T'was through the miracle of birth.
Survival was against the odds.

The white man was the first evolved.
In the cold of the northern snow. 
With many problems they had solved.
First job was find somewhere to go.

Sad to say we once lived in caves.
We had to invent and discover.
We got so good we ruled the waves.
But didn't believe in each other. 

Our only chance a great leader.
Instead of following we fought.
Listening to the bottom feeder.
Now it's what our kids are taught.

Now everything is so advanced.
We have access to the truth.
You'd think that we would have a chance.
Yet fight each other nail and tooth.

Saturday 2 February 2013


By Eddy Morrison We are being strangled in a deluge of legislation! The liberal-democrats knee jerk reaction to any and every problem is to pile on new laws. A good example of this was the Hungerford shooting incident. Terrible as it was, it brought in a whole barrow load of draconian laws to further curb anybody and everybody from even looking at a gun – for whatever reason, sport and self defence went out of the window. Everybody suffers because of one psychopath’s actions. Again after the September 11th attack on the Twin Towers, the NOW/ZOG have used this an excuse to push through even more and amoral legislation all in the name of preventing terrorism. The list is endless. The underlying cause however is the same – the Liberal Consensus make a mistake – be it law and order, terrorism or race – they have screwed up – and instead of talking the real underlying problems – they react hysterically with bad and damaging legislation all designed to further curtail the freedom and liberate of the individual. There is therefore a darker side to this. The powers that control our government will use anything to tighten the screws on our liberty as free Britons. Nowhere is this more profound than in the area of ‘race relations’. Immigration, integration and multi-racialism have been an unmitigated disaster for Great Britain. It has damaged our society almost irreparably and causes untold misery and misfortune to all the racial groups caught in the tornado of a multi-racial experiment gone wrong. Ethnic groups are artificially forced together. Cultures and traditions are destroyed. Heritage and identity – again of ALL races is being subsumed in a gross and dangerous Liberalist experiment. The immediate culprits are the White Liberal consensus, which runs the UK, whatever party they come from. Race is swept under the carpet and although they, and the British people know that the whole thing is a cataclysmic disaster of untold magnitude, they will not only NOT tackle the basic problem – multi-racialism has failed – they won’t even admit it exists! They lay the blame on us, the White Nationalists, and also on some abstract notion of “Institutionalised Racism”. The true criminals in causing racial hatred in the United Kingdom are the politicians of the Old Party System. The Race Laws state that anybody LIKELY to do something, which could cause racial hatred, can be prosecuted. What is more likely to stir up racial hatred than forced integration and uncontrolled immigration? So the men and women who should be charged under their very own laws are the Liberals who allowed this situation to develop in the first place. I do not hate other races. I think it is a negative thing. I understand how hatred can grow because we are getting a massive clash of cultures which is leaving Whites, Blacks and Asians in culture shock -–nobody wins and everybody suffers. However, I digress – what of the Race Acts and Public Order Acts? The Race Acts and Public Order Act (this last act was originally brought in 1936 to crush Mosley’s Blackshirt movement) have gone from strength to strength. So much so that practically anything can fall foul of these truly immoral and terrible pieces of legislation. They are now worded as such that even the mildest discussion on the subject of race or immigration brings on not just the usual quacking of “racist!” but let’s the Race Police in and White Nationalists are hauled off to do stretches at Her Majesty’s leisure. The most important thing however is the fact that gradually since 1968, when the Race Laws were first brought in, they have been used more and more to suppress our freedom of speech. Indeed, in one notorious trial a White Liberalistic judge made the telling statement – “the truth is no defence” (!!!). So we have come to this, they have come out into the open and using the shaky reasons that it is all in the good cause of ‘preventing racial hatred’, you can no longer speak the truth and or even truly open discuss the absolutely vital issue of race. As White Nationalists we want to and will discuss and educate the British people on the subject of race and the disaster of multi-racialism. However we are confined to work within a set of ghastly unjust laws which have so many grey areas in them it is often extremely difficult to know if you are breaking the law or not. So it is of PARAMOUNT importance that we put the legal abolition of the Race and Public Order laws as our premier propaganda agenda. All White Nationalist groups must fight to exert pressure to have the Race Laws abolished by parliament along with the Public Order Act. At the same time we must drive home to the White people of this country how we are tied down hand and foot by being robbed of our freedom of speech and action – and eventually they will even rob us of our freedom of thought. The PC Brigade is already at work on this latter point. The fight for FREE SPEECH must continue and pick up pace until it becomes an avalanche of protest. The Liberal Consensus – a set of people completely blinded to reality – must be faced with a people completely fed up with their rights and freedoms being curtailed and ended. Imagine the Race Acts abolished. Imagine what we could really tell the British people about multi-racialism. This will be a long and hard struggle but it must be fought and won. The start must be made by telling the British people – in article such as this, in leaflets, in posters and stickers, in letters to the media, in demos, in petitions and a lot more areas to start that avalanche of protest rolling. The Race and Public Order laws are an assault on our freedom as Britons. It is a freedom we have fought for centuries to win. Let us join together in a massive propaganda offensive to get these laws legally abolished, so that again TRUTH not LIES can be the watchword of our society.