Sunday 6 November 2011

Unity Poem :)

The problem with me and the problem with you.

Is all that we say and all that we do.

When was the last time we all stood together?

Defiant of all and in spite of the weather?

We've all been around now for so many years.

We've had our triumphs but mostly shed tears.

Each time things go wrong someone gets the blame.

They become former comrades its all such a shame.

Meanwhile the enemy just points and laughs.

As we carry on making stupendous gaffs.

While we are digging our bloody great hole.

Even more of our Nation is just being stole.

Right from under our noses they take it away.

While we sit at home on computers all day.

Let's go out together and breath the fresh air.

Let the people know that we really do care.

To those we've offended, lets say sorry now.

Because we want unity, lets show them how.

So get off your high horse and start mucking in.

Not being the leader is not such a sin.

But helping to keep us divided is so.

Try helping your comrades, just give it a go.

Forget about leaders, all they do is shout.

Remember the reason why you started out.

It was surely because you desired salvation.

For fourteen words and for Race & Nation.


Wednesday 2 November 2011

HASTINGS 1066, The last time we fought back.

On January the fifth 1066 the King of England, Edward the Confessor died, leaving the crown to Harold apparently on his deathbed. Having no heirs of his own, Edward had left behind a four way rivalry for the crown, a rivalry that would see Englishmen fight an invading force for the last time, even to this very day.

Because there were no actual rules of succession in Anglo-Saxon England, when a king died, the crown would go to anyone who could prove they had a birth right to it, or who could grab it before anyone else.

Upon the death of Edward, (named the Confessor after he had built Westminster Abbey), there were four contenders to the throne. The closest blood relative to Edward was Edgar the Atheling, a Saxon Prince, albeit a sickly fourteen year old boy. Next was Harold Godwinson, a powerful and noble man, who was very popular with the people of England at the time. He was first choice with the Kings Council (Witan), to succeed Edward the Confessor. He was also said to be the choice of the outgoing king on his very deathbed, however only Harold was there to bear witness to this, so there is some room for doubt as to whether he actually did say it. Then of course there was the William, the Duke of Normandy, a distant cousin of Edward said to have been promised the throne. Of course this claim was to be challenged by Harold along with his huge English support. As a child in 1016 Edward had been taken to Normandy, for his own safety, when England was invaded by King Canute. He stayed on the island until he was himself crowned King of England in 1042. Edward invited William of Normandy to his court in 1051, when he was supposed to have promised to make him heir. The fourth contestant was Harald Hardrada, the Viking king of Norway, and direct descendant of the kings of England through King Canute, who reigned from 1016 to 1032. The Vikings had been invading England for a long time, settling mainly in the north from the 860's. Canute had been king of England, Denmark, and Norway. England had been ruled by Norwegian kings, right up to 1042, when Saxon King Edward the Confessor snatched it from them. Hardrada himself wanted to be King of England, literally because he wanted more power. He was however unpopular here, and feared enough to strike dread into the hearts of his enemies.

The first battle to challenge Harold's crown was the Battle of Stamford Bridge on September 25th 1066. Here Hadrada was helped by King Harold's brother Tostig, who had been exiled from England. Harold and his men broke through the ranks of the Viking invaders, and eventually won what proved to be not only a bloody battle, but a costly battle to boot. Although his victory at Stamford Bridge was impressive, (both Hadrada and Tostig were killed that day), a shattered and depleted army now had to make their way to the south coast, for what is now known as the Battle of Hastings.

On the 29th of September 1066, William the Duke of Normandy landed the first of many shiploads of soldiers at Pevensea Bay. They had sailed across the English Channel and landed unchallenged, because Harold was still busy marching on Stamford Bridge. When the ships were beached, the sailors, the sergeants, and squires unloaded the ships; carried out shields and saddles, landed the war-horses and the palfreys.

Of the army, the archers came ashore first, each with his bow strung, and a quiver full of arrows at his side. All dressed in short garments, ready to attack, to shoot and to wheel about and skirmish. All stood ready and well equipped and ready for a fight. However when they scoured the whole shore, they found not a single solitary armed man!

Meanwhile Harold was still at York celebrating his great victory at Stamford Bridge, over Harald Hardrada and the treacherous Earl Tostig. He then had to resettle the government of the counties which King Harald Hardrada had overrun. It was then that the news reached him that Duke William of Normandy and his invasion force had landed on the Sussex coast. The battle at Stamford Bridge had followed a forced march to North Yorkshire from the south of England. The battle had been fought on the 25th of September; news of the Norman invasion reached Harold on October the 1st. It wasn't as if the Norman invasion hadn't long been expected, but the timing couldn't have been worse, as Harold and his men now marched south.

Harold arrived in London on 6th October 1066. There he halted for six days, during that time giving orders for recruiting forces from the southern and midland counties. He also sent out the order for his fleet to reassemble off the Sussex coast. Such was Harold's popularity that his call to arms was met almost instantaneously. Unfortunately the best of his men had just marched to Stamford Bridge and back, and with a fierce battle in between journeys, one could say that those alive and uninjured were somewhat exhausted. Many of those who volunteered to fight alongside their great king were untrained and inexperienced, but they were ready to give their lives for him, and most of them did.

As soon as Harold had a small army, he began to march south through Surrey then into Sussex. Harold was a popular King and he had proved himself during his brief reign to be a just, wise and brave man. But he was so incensed by the news of William's landing on English soil, that the preparation for this particular battle was all too hasty, as was his plan to actually surprise his enemy. He now faced a foe that was equally brave and as skillful as him, who was prepared for all eventualities, and was waiting for the English army to meet them. When King Harold realized that his hopes of surprising his adversary were in vain, he changed his tactics, halting about seven miles from the Norman lines at Senlac (now called Battle, although in typical ironic fashion evidence has been found that suggests the Battle itself was fought in nearby Crowhurst).

As Harold and his men descended upon the south coast, he sent along some French speaking spies, just to find out how William was prepared for the coming battle. He was said to be horrified to learn that there were more Priests in Williams’s camp than he had fighting men. This report proved to be false, as although only priests would have shorn hair in an English army, most of the Norman fighters had shaved heads. Yes the Normans were prepared; they had even taken the time to build a castle at Pevensea, described here in the Norman chronicles.

"They took counsel together, and looked for a good spot to build a castle on. They had brought with them in the fleet, three pre-built wooden castles from Normandy, all in pieces, ready for fitting together, and they took the materials of one of these out of the ships, all shaped and pierced to receive the pins which they had brought cut and ready in large barrels; and before evening had set in they had finished a good Castle on English ground, and placed their stores there. All then ate and drank, and were glad to be ashore"

So William's strategy involved horses and castles, Harold's did not, also Harold's army was inferior in numbers. In fact it is said that many of Harold's officers suggested he retreat back to London and destroy everything they left behind that might help or feed their Norman pursuers. This advice was unquestionably the wisest, for the Saxon fleet had now reassembled in the English Channel, and had intercepted all William's communications with Normandy. They had cut off William's supply lines, meaning that when their stores became low they would have to march upon and attack London. Had Harold taken this advice he would probably have witnessed his rival's destruction by famine and disease, without having to strike a single blow. Harold however was not prepared to retreat, He would not burn houses and villages, and neither would he take away the substance, of his people. Harold had sworn oaths upon sacred religious relics.

In a bid to persuade Harold not to take part in the battle himself, his brother Gurth said; "My brother, thou canst not deny that either by force or free will thou hast made Duke William an oath on the bodies of saints. Why then risk thyself in the battle with a perjury upon thee? To us, who have sworn nothing, this is a holy and a just war, for we are fighting for our country. Leave us then alone to fight this battle, and he who has the right will win." Typically Harold replied that he couldn't look on while others risked their lives for him.

Men would hold him a coward, and blame him for sending his best friends where he dared not go himself. He resolved, therefore, to fight, and to fight in person; but he was still too good a general to be the assailant in the action; and he deployed his army with great skill along a ridge of rising ground which opened southward, and was covered on the back by an extensive wood. He strengthened his position by a palisade of stakes and osier hurdles, and there he said he would defend himself against whoever should seek him.

The Anglo-Saxons had no cavalry at their disposal and few archers, but they struck a defensive position on a hilltop, and formed a tight shield wall with their battle-axes at the ready. Their main weapons were the Danish battle-axe (a two-handed, long-handled battle axe with a heavy chopping head) and a long double-edged sword.

William joyfully advanced his army from their camp on the hill over Hastings, nearer to the Saxon position. He will have been aware by then how much of an advantage he had in the coming battle, yet he still sent forward his summons, giving Harold the opportunity to surrender.

"A monk, named Hugues Maigrot, came in William's name to call upon the Saxon King to do one of three things: either to resign his royalty in favor of William, to refer it to the arbitration of the Pope to decide which of the two ought to be king, or let it be determined by the issue of a single combat. Harold replied, 'I will not resign my title, I will not refer it to the Pope, nor will I accept the single combat". King Harold was a brave man, but no more likely to surrender his crown upon losing a dual than he would be at the words of an Italian priest.

William was unpaved by King Harold's refusal, but as he calculated his next move, he sent back his priest.

"Go and tell Harold that if he will keep his former compact with me, I will leave to him all the country which is beyond the Humber, and will give his brother Gurth all the lands which Godwin held. If he still persists in refusing my offers, then thou shalt tell him, before all his people that he is a perjurer and a liar; that he and all who shall support him are excommunicated by the mouth of the Pope, and that the bull to that effect is in my hands."

Hugues Maigrot delivered this message in a solemn tone and the Norman chronicle says that at the word "excommunication" the English chiefs looked at one another as if some great danger were impending. One of them spoke as follows:

"We must fight, whatever may be the danger to us; for what we have to consider is not whether we shall accept and receive a new lord, as if our king were dead; the case is quite otherwise. The Norman has given our lands to his captains, to his knights, to all his people, the greater part of whom have already done homage to him for them: they will all look for their gift if their duke become our king; and he himself is bound to deliver up to them our goods, our wives, and our daughters: all is promised to them beforehand. They come, not only to ruin us, but to ruin our descendants also, and to take from us the country of our ancestors. And what shall we do? Whither shall we go, when we have no longer a country?"

The English promised, by a unanimous oath, to make neither peace nor truce nor treaty with the invader, but to die or drive away the Normans.

The 13th of October was occupied in these negotiations, and at night the Duke announced to his men that the next day would be the day of battle. That night is said to have been passed by the two armies in very different manners.

The Saxon soldiers spent it in joviality, singing their national songs, and draining huge horns of ale and wine round their campfires.

The Normans, when they had looked to their arms and horses, confessed themselves to the priests, with whom their camp was thronged, and received the sacrament by thousands at a time.

On the 14th of October 1066 the great battle dawned. As previously mentioned, the Saxons had no cavalry and only a few archers. But on top of a hill they made a wall of shields and those behind that wall rained projectiles down on the Normans. William's forces were separated into three columns. The Bretons were on the left, the Normans were in the middle & Flemings were positioned on the right. At the head of each column stood archers, behind whom there were ranks of infantry and cavalry. The battle began with William's archers opening fire followed by an infantry assault.

What were to ensue was a fierce and blood bath, and a battle won by the men of William of Normandy. He would then be crowned king of England on Christmas day that same year.

This was the last time England ever bore arms against an enemy invasion. It was not the last time we were invaded. Day after day, week after week, month after month and so on. The invaders don't have to sneak an entire army over the sea and fortify their positions ready for a battle; they know there will be no battle. England (as well as Scotland, N Ireland, and Wales) is open to all who wish to invade, they can get off a boat or a plane and walk right in, some have even arrived through the channel tunnel. They don't meet any resistance, indeed they are given a free reign to do what they like here. They are even afforded free housing, education, and medical treatment; over the years they have been given their own places of worship, and their own places to bury their dead.

Poor old King Harold lost an eye, and of course his life in the Battle of Hastings, and although the odd prince might try his hand at combat in whichever war we are engaged in, the politicians who continually drag us into these conflicts in faraway lands will never lead the troops. They won’t risk sending their children to risk their lives either. They will inform us of defense cuts in every budget speech though. How can they sleep at night, knowing that they are sending yet another generation to fight and die, and then telling our old folk to wrap up warmer, in their own homes, every winter?

Tuesday 6 September 2011

English Democrats ETC...

I have never been in favour of any political organisation who would separate England, or indeed any other of the four members, from the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Call me old fashioned, but it is my belief that to break this once mighty nation up into four separate nations would be suicidal. England would probably survive financially, although it would soon be sinking under the weight of an increasing clamour of immigrants. I would also fear for the security and financial wellbeing of my Scottish, Welsh, and Northern Irish Brothers, Northern Ireland in particular would be under threat of invasion by the Republican South.

We all know who's favourite trick it is to divide and conquer, the Nationalist movement has suffered from those self same tactics for decades. Of course we are still constantly calling for unity, but how on The Gods green earth can we have unity, when people are constantly throwing their toys out of the pram, over mostly minor issues? Are we all not battling against the odds to achieve the same goal? It is to secure the existence of our people, YES, and what about the future of White Children? They don't stand a chance if they are to rely on us., we are too busy quarrelling over trivialities to save our Nation, let alone our Race.

So we have a multitude of different Nationalist parties and Organisations, that are already established, and firmly in place. We have political parties, street active organisations, and groups who are responsible for bringing us our own music, from rock and roll to folk music. We have always been a British Nationalist movement, united we stand divided we fall. As I have said before, I don't like naming names on here, let the tittle tattling continue on the various Internet forums. Also I feel the need to point out that those forums and guest books are closely monitored by the "authorities", as well as the various red and anti groups and their little friends in the press.

To conclude, I believe we have all the groups we need, and more, already in place, and not enough people to fill all their ranks. The last thing we need right now is more, especially groups who would divide our sacred Union. There is nothing wrong with looking at what we have in place, and deciding what suits you the best, just as long as you recognise that many other Nationalists will have done the same thing, but made a different choice. We are all in the same boat, the trick is to all start to pull our oars at the same time, and in the same direction. If an established Nationalist party stand a candidate in our area, we should support that candidate, regardless of our own personal loyalties. IF a new group stand against an established Nationalist party in our area, we should oppose them, because we know what they are trying to do.

As the summer of 2011 comes to its conclusion, and the autumn leaves fall to the ground, let us all gather our thoughts and remember what we are in this for. Future generations depend on us for their very existence, win or lose we must go down in history as having fought to the very end. If we are united, then there can be no doubt whatsoever, we will be victorious.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

David Starkey

I have read so many comments by British Nationalists, praising this oddball historian. I must admit that when I read the comments he himself had made on the BBC's Newsnight program, I wholeheartedly agreed with him. Unfortunately there is more to Mr Starkey than meets the eye. For a start he is a self confessed homosexual, something I personally find abhorrent and always thought the majority of British Nationalists were also against. Be in no doubt that if we start turning a blind eye to the odd homo, just because he says what we want to hear, we might as well call it a day, because pretty soon we will be making up excuses for everyone.

First let's examine what he said to cause such a row on Newsnight.

Starkey spoke of "a profound cultural change" and said he had been re-reading Enoch Powell's rivers of blood speech.

"His prophesy was absolutely right in one sense. The Tiber did not foam with blood but flames lambent, they wrapped around Tottenham and wrapped around Clapham," he said.

"But it wasn't inter-community violence. This is where he was absolutely wrong." Gesturing towards one of the other guests, Owen Jones, who wrote Chavs: the Demonisation of the Working Classes, Starkey said: "What has happened is that a substantial section of the chavs that you wrote about have become black."

An outcry on Twitter began with the Labour MP Jeremy Corbyn asking the BBC: "Why was racist analysis of Starkey unchallenged? What exactly are you trying to prove?" A spokesman for Newsnight said: "I think that [presenter] Emily Maitlis very robustly challenged David Starkey.

"The two guests [Jones and the writer and education adviser Dreda Say Mitchell] that we had also quite clearly took issue with his comments."

Jones told the Guardian he believed Starkey's comments were "a career-ending moment". He said: "He tapped into racial prejudice at a time of national crisis. At other times, those comments would be inflammatory but they are downright dangerous in the current climate.

"I fear that some people will now say that David Starkey is right, and you could already see some of them on Twitter. I am worried about a backlash from the right and he will give legitimacy to those views in the minds of some." On the programme, Starkey said: "The whites have become black. A particular sort of violent destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion and black and white boys and girls operate in this language together.

"This language which is wholly false, which is this Jamaican patois that has been intruded in England and that is why so many of us have this sense of literally of a foreign country."

So nothing we haven't heard before, just not very often on the television, let alone the BBC. Of course the hoards of anti white so called "Brits" have been shouting the dreaded word "racist" from the rooftops, especially on Twitter, where one person can put out a brief statement and everyone who gets it can "retweet" to all their fellow soapdodgers and politically correct drones. But they must have short memories, as David Starkey is most definitely NOT a British Nationalist. The homosexual issue asside, he once mocked the Queen, (who IMO has played a big part in our immigration problem with her commonwealth), for her attitude towards culture. He described her as an uneducated housewife and likened her attitude to culture to that of Josef Goebbels, an insult to Josef Goebbels if nothing else.

So a raving poofter who thinks the Queen is a Nazi said something about blacks causing the riots on Newsnight, wake up and smell the coffee White Nationalists. He is not one of us!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

So They're Rioting Now!

The big news this week is that for the past four nights, there has been rioting, looting, mass mugging, and even arson attacks in nearly all our major towns and cities. The FACT that the places most affected have the highest percentages of non whites, never gets a mention in any of the media reports, nor does the FACT that nearly all of the perpetrators are non white. The excuses were being made almost immediately as the rioting started, the police have never been in control of the situation as they struggle to contain the mobs without violating their "human rights", and the only act of defiance thus far has been a crowd of, mainly white, people, waving brooms and dust pans in the road. One brave woman "husband probably hiding behind her" even dared to declare, "and if they come back tonight we will be back to clean up tomorrow", good job it is not cold lest we run around wiping their noses for them!

All this has got me thinking, because this is not the first time that immigrants and their decendents have rioted here, and rioting is hardly the worst crime they enjoy getting away with in Britain either. Over the decades, since the unopposed invasion began, we have had numerous riots, but of course there are so many more of THEM now. We have also seen our people mugged, raped and murdered. We have seen our young people become victims of drug pushers before they are old enough to understand what they are doing to themselves, and we have seen non white groups grooming little white girls for sex and prostitution. Meanwhile the floodgates remain open, and the invasion continues uncontested. Those responsible, the politicians, have been called back from their holidays to do a little finger wagging. Yesterday the Prime Minister even threatened those who commit crimes with "the full force of the law", shouldn't they already be aware of that?

As a nation we have proven to be too much of a soft touch. The reason we have so many immigrants is because we have allowed them to settle here, nevermind the politicians letting them in. The reason they feel bold and brazen enough to commit so many disgusting crimes, is because we have always let them get away with doing just that. The only thing that is new about this latest non white crime wave, is the use of Internet social sites, like Facebook, to coordinate the riots, as our police are pulled from pillar to post.

So who is really to blame for all this trouble on our island? Well it is those who failed to defend it. The governments of the last fifty years or so, and those who continually elected them. In short we are all to blame, and it is time to clear up this mess we have made. Not with brooms and dust pans this time either.

Friday 20 May 2011

Lessons From The Past

History Repeating Itself

Why We Must Remember The Past

After a few weeks of reading the usual message boards etc., I have decided to analyse the movement here in Great Britain. It saddens me to see so much disunity, and the “blame game” being played out in full. Movement of Racial Nationalists between the BNP, NF, and BPP has never bothered me, just as long as those who are genuine remain as part of the fight. Unfortunately some former well respected Nationalists are dropping out altogether, and some are joining multiracial phony patriot groups like the English Democrats. Honestly we are our own worst enemies, instead of throwing our toys out of the pram, stamping our feet, and blaming each other, we should be looking at why the general public are not supporting us in the same way they did ten years ago.

I remember the late John Tyndall once outlining this in one of his magnificent speeches, the subject being Toryism. I believe, as did he, that Nationalism always has a better chance under a Labour government; with a Tory government it becomes harder for us because of their phony patriotism. Those who remember 1979 will know what I’m trying to say, the year that Thatcher lied about cracking down on immigration and cost the National Front what would have been some historical successes. We have it now with David Cameron, only this time he can blame the pact with the Liberal Democrats for reneging on his election promises. Remember how he was going to take Britain out of the evil European Convention on Human Rights? That promise was broken before the ink was even dry on the ballot papers. What we are left with now is the uncertainty of a political vacuum. The ruling alliance is looking shaky at best, on other occasions it looks close to falling apart. We should be taking advantage of this, we should be doing our utmost to fill that vacuum, but we are all too busy on the internet pointing our fingers at each other.

What we require is strong leadership, be that from Nick Griffin, Ian Edwards, or maybe Kevin Watmough. It doesn’t matter who grabs this bull by the horns, as long as someone does it, and soon. The voting public have been so blatantly conned this time that even those who have followed the same party for decades have started to realise. Everybody needs to get active right now, otherwise like 1979; we will be condemned to the best part of twenty years in the wilderness.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

English Democrats, Don't be Fooled!

The English Democrats?

Over the last few years a few people had once described themselves as British Nationalists, have joined the English Democrats. I don’t intend to get personal with anyone about this, so shan’t be naming names. What I am going to do here is examine a few of the most relevant parts of the English Democrats’ manifesto. I won’t examine the whole of it, as it goes on forever, but I will include a link for anyone who wishes to do so at the end of my post.


This on its own is enough to put me off, even voting for them as best of a bad bunch. They don’t even want to stop immigrants coming here, let alone start deporting them all. Indeed far from establishing a British Britain made up of its indigenous and those of similar European stock, they merely want immigrants that behave themselves and are both willing and able to integrate. How on earth is that going secure the existence of our people, how will it affect the future of White Children? It most certainly won’t prevent the ending of our ancestral bloodlines by race mixing. Below is 3.15.2 of their party manifesto, this in all its glory spells out what they propose to do about immigration.

3.15.2 There should be a points system for entry to the UK which is based on the Canadian and Australian model. Points should be awarded for, among other things: educational and professional qualification; family links with England; financial resources; the ability to speak English. In other words, entry should be determined by our needs as a society and the ability of newcomers to be absorbed into the prevailing public culture. High priority should be given to creating a peaceful society which is bound together by shared values and perceptions.

This kind of smoke and mirror rhetoric is specifically meant to confuse English patriots into believing that the English Democrats are taking a sensible yet radical approach to immigration. The fact of the matter is that it leaves the door open to just about anyone. The only thing that will change is that new immigrants will have to be less vociferous, and try a lot harder not to get caught breaking our laws. Another piece of misleading policy propaganda is 3.15.5, in which they tell us that they would limit the amount of new immigrants to include only those required should there be a shortage of skilled workers. How can it be possible that on an overpopulated island like ours would have a shortage of any kind of worker? The kind of policy they describe would have numerous loopholes that would be used in order to get unwanted immigrants into our country.

3.15.5 Our aim should be to meet the need for skilled workers from within. A points system should be used to bring an end to mass immigration and only allow that immigration which is in the national interest. A points system should not be used to facilitate and legitimise a continuation of mass immigration.

If we haven’t got enough people qualified or skilled to do the jobs required to sustain our economy, then the appropriate schooling and training should be made available to those of our kinfolk who are unqualified unskilled, and unemployed. Filling any kind of “labour shortage” with immigrants is both unnecessary and irresponsible, especially when we have close to three million unemployed.

The other ridiculous policy they have is that they would stop immigration for five years, that is too little too late. How on earth can anybody who once called themselves Nationalists support a policy like that? Stopping immigration for five years, when it has been non-stop for over fifty years is locking the stable door after the horse has bolted. A brief perusal of the English Democrat’s immigration policies confirms that they, much like UKIP, are a dangerous distraction aimed specifically at potential Nationalists in England. Given the level of mass immigration overwhelming England all immigration must be stopped for five years (to be reviewed thereafter) with an exception made only for limited fixed term work permits essential or highly important to the United Kingdom. Our points system will at all times be secondary.

So there you have it, the English Democrats are much like their rowdy cousins in the English Defence League, a dangerous diversion which, if successful will be to the detriment of our Nationalist movement in England and the whole of the United Kingdom.

English Democrats Manifest (Immigration).

Monday 11 April 2011

Wigan Mike

Wigan Mike (An Update).

I’m sure that most British White Nationalists will have heard of Wigan Mike and his imprisonment. It does seem like a long time since there was any mention of his plight on the good old internet. I don’t know, because I don’t ask others if they are still in contact with Mike, but I am, and I would like to try and put into words just why our Brother is stuck in jail, and how he is handling it all.

In July 2010, Mike was sentenced to 30 months for two counts of inciting racial hatred, a special law made up by the political elite enabling them to arrest and charge us any time they please. He was also found not guilty for two counts of soliciting murder. His “crimes” were committed on a closed internet forum, which had not been used for over a year by the time he was arrested. His defence tried to reason with the court that the forum was not on view to the public, and that the posts in question were just exuberant banter between Comrades. They also protested that Mike’s right to freedom of speech was being denied to him. The prosecution, however, argued that although Mike had the right to hold his own views, as abhorrent as they might be to the ‘rest of society’, that posting them on the internet was tantamount to influencing others. They said that the two messages they used to charge him with had received replies that were in breach of the laws regarding hate speech. The fact that none of the views posted on that forum would ever be seen by, or cause any upset or distress to any non-participating member of the public, did not matter at all.

Initially Mike was sent to Liverpool prison, not a nice place by anyone’s standards. A category B prisoner, he adjusted reasonably well to the regime, immersing himself in his Odinist Religion, and studying for a few qualifications in Information Technology. Just before the Yuletide he was downgraded to category C and transferred to Leyland prison. There didn’t seem to be much difference between categories B and C, with the exception of him now having the use of a kettle in his cell, the ability to make himself a lovely ‘brew’ whenever he pleased.

Mike’s cell is on a wing that has a lot of black prisoners, of course the prison officers know Mike’s views, but have only agreed to “review the situation” if he is attacked! In reply to this Mike has, quite reasonably stated, that he won’t cause any trouble in there, but will fight back if attacked and does not intend to be a target for anybody. There have been one or two tricky occasions where he has been asked if and accused of being a member of the BNP, something he can quite honestly deny. It seems that the majority of his ‘fellow inmates’ have no idea that there are other Nationalist organisations out here.

In Liverpool Mike could receive books, items of clothing, and gifts from outside, in Leyland the rules are different, and nothing is allowed in. Back in August 2010 he was taken some new training shoes, as all he had to wear on his feet were the shoes he had worn to court. Those trainers are pretty much worn out now, as he wears them every day, and does his daily work out in the gymnasium wearing them. He has tried to buy some new trainers three times up to now, and each time he was told there were none in stock. The prison had refused to allow him any books on Odinism, and have even confiscated his beloved Thor’s Hammer pendant. Not standing for this shoddy regard for his beliefs, Mike saw the prison governor, wrote to prison newspaper Inside Times and to the Prison’s Pagan Minister. Eventually he was given back his pendant, and is now allowed to purchase the books and runes, also he now receives visits from the Pagan Minister, on the last visit receiving some hot cross buns, chocolate eggs, and pictures of spring greenery with which to decorate his cell. Things we on the outside would not spare a passing thought about, but can really cheer you up when you are living day to day in one of Her Majesties prisons.

Mike has carried on with his IT studies, while also doing courses in bricklaying and joinery, this as well as doing his prison work. He is doing his best to fill in the time, but men like Mike don’t belong in a place like that and he is constantly aware of the price he has paid and is continuing to pay, just for having beliefs that do not coincide with our mainstream liberal society. This doesn’t only affect his private life, where he is a father with sole custody of his teenaged daughter, but it also impacts on his ability to make a difference in our political and racial struggle for the 14 Words.

We, his comrades and any other White Nationalists would do well to learn from this, remember what has happened to Wigan Mike could happen to almost any of us at any time in the future. Please remember this when you are about to click on the send button, no matter where you are on the internet or how private you think it might be. The threat to us all is very real, Mike is not the first and he won’t be the last.

To help Mike get through his ordeal we have a pay pal account set up for his canteen, and spends etc.

The email address used for donations is